AdvanTex® Advantages
AdvanTex® treatment systems feature a flexible modular design-allowing your wastewater system to expand as your phased development progresses. This typically results in a significant reduction in the initial capital outlay necessary to fund the installation of your project's wastewater treatment system. AdvanTex® treatment systems have lower operation & maintenance costs than many other alternatives. AdvanTex® treatment systems do not require large horsepower blowers or pumps, and AdvanTex® treatment pod laterals and media are at grade or above grade for easy maintenance.AdvanTex® features a telemetry control panel on every treatment system. This allows 24-hour monitoring, and enables the maintenance provider access to historic flow, pump data and alarm logs.
Fextex will help you design and interface that integrates the AdvanTex® control panel with whole-system ultraviolet disinfection, chemical feed systems, drip irrigation headworks/solenoid valves, and many other site specific needs.
Fextex® can provide life-cycle cost estimates that will provide you an approximation of the annual maintenance investment, as well as future value analysis in five-year increments.
Fextex® can provide an array of useful design tools including layout drawings, material specifications, and installations manuals. Additionally, Fextex® can generate project-specific drawings that can be incorporated into the construction plan set.
Fextex® will help evaluate the wastewater system budget, ensuring you have the price range that matches the system design.
AdvanTex® Design & Installation
Fextex® includes with purchase of your Advantex® treatment system:
Training and certification to the contractor to ensure proper installation
Post installation start up service, including installation inspection
Post installation training for operators, including system-specific instruction and maintenance